Monday, May 21, 2007

learnin to blog

u kno as i write i am filled with apprehension dat wot r real blogs made up of

i dunno as i hav just started bloogin so allk help is invited
so lemme tell u dat all ppl frens wid me connect to live wire
i am on an on an on
never off
i blieve to enjoy u must hav the guts and creativity to take the best out of all situations
so connection wid me gotta b fun if u think sumthin same even if not same
xcuse ma typin i kno its hrrible
but ya lost in philosophy as i am usually
ths is i hope xcusable
neways ma handwritin is worse
so ppl jus cum on and let me hav sum fireflies of guidin lights to help me and tech me how to blog

signin off lava girl

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