Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Day Today

I had a very nice today after ages. I met 3 of my very great friends. Though one did leave early, but the others stayed for quite late. And I had a very relaxing day which left me feeling quite content.

After all this entrances pressure in my pseudo drop year, I really had lost out on so many friends of mine. And even if we did meet, the tension always hung about in the air. So today, when most of my major entrances are back in history, I finally did let my hair down. Though, we really didn’t do too many things, but just hung about and talked. The experience was more emotionally rewarding than I had expected and had almost forgotten how that felt.

It was so wholesome. The jumping about here and there, the hugging, the flirting, the slight comedy… touchy feely acts, the good food… it felt so nice!!! So mostly we hung about in select and mgf and dlf… looked at books, khana khaya at KFC, and then yogurt at coco berry…

Then we came back to my colony… had many more things to eat ot lear. We talked like carefree kids and had so much fu. Moreover, my friends are so adorable. I feel so much love for them. They made my day very perfect. One of them, though he stays far away near Noida, stayed till 9. And the second one … 40 minutes more, but she lives nearby.

So with all cute drama, catching up on old times, loads of food, scandalous talks, I completed a perfect day spent with great friends. Well, we spent a lot of time in the park under my house. There was a small dust storm going on and the breeze was so refreshing. Looking back, each piece seems to fit in my puzzle of the glorious day spent.

And I don’t know to whom, but I am very thankful for this much awaited peace of mind.

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