Sunday, June 17, 2007


That day flew on
Standing at the secluded niches
And then some sweet nostalgia
Drew me into the corner
Of the memoirs of the past life.

Those musty pages held
Up downs – bitter sweet experience
Of the life lived by me.
Blanks without words
Seemed like fairytales
Unknown………… the past life lived.

The dust flew irritably
I turned pages monotonously
I read on and on.
And remembered what gone past.

Some words came out of those lines
Some were read out
Some touched the heart
And some just flew past.

Sweet lanes of memory past…………….like
A stain at a corner
A tear blurring a word
A climax of a hard life
I recalled………………I recall
A memoir of my life I regain.


Life flew past
So fast
A cat and dog chase
No gains
Just pain……………
Of what I lost.

Then my daughter’s diary
An unready story
Her first steps I did not see
Follies unhandled tore the life apart.

Another fallen tear
Crystal clear
Blurs another word
In this very musty page.
Shutting the book with heartfelt pain
Buried sadness……….
The yellow pages turned mustier.
Nostalgia of pain……………


No gain
Running away
From problems that turned disasters
From cheating self
And suffering stiflingly
Without acknowledging
The buried emotions.

No family left
No use of the phone
No parties now
Did they ever matter?
Did not help me now……………..

As I remain alone I think
Tortured by past penetrating
How I ……just me………solitary
Solitary I remain………. And with
That ………diary
Buried in silence of sorrow that…
Diary of the Untold Unlived life………


know dat u must take time out to c the pages of ur life wen u r on dem
as one of ma fav fren says keep no backlogs as if u do
u lose out
at the end of day
as money sum cheap replacement is neva as much fun


  1. aparnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
    mat soch itnaaaaaaaaaaaa! :|

    beautiful poem! beautiful expressions of emotions! :)

  2. And well I'm telling you to keep thinking on these lines, you portray it well.
