Saturday, November 28, 2009

A New Look or A Fresh Start

I started blogging… as a platform to share my poems, and views on many issues, close to my core, or which simply interest me. But since I have never been able to emote in spoken words… drowned emotion took the form of my contorted poems. These poems are conversations with my soul have helped me grieve; they are like my friends…

So, due to some personal issues in the last two years I took to writing a lot more than before, just to emote when I couldn’t beg for any other way of release. And the blank pages which were my reflection, understood me like no other…

Pressures of school, teenage and an incredible lack of patience and concentration never gave any other literary device the exposure… I was always pressed for time….somehow.

But I could say, I have matured, my thoughts have… and now I feel free to express without hiding in the riddles. As in a poem, I was a character within a poem, which expressed one specific emotion I imagine or feel.

Much of the drama is made up, but there is my soul hidden behind veils of layered riddles, lines and words. Its time to come out of the closet…and to experiment with reality…

Though it does not mean that I shall not write the poems… they are a part of me like no other… whispers closest to perhaps the real me. Which I’m forever trying to discover… but remain baffled and confused.

I have been really inactive on m blog for long… I shall try to keep it regular from now on but I cant promise anything to myself even…

So here goes… some things from the inactive period…in verse and without.


  1. I guess ur real self is back and it's dere to stay .... u now know wat u want and wat u want to do...

    so it's like everyone gettin the real aparna who writes not coz she want to vent out ...but coz she wanna share her happiness all around....

    Hopin to see some powerful yet fun-filled verses n poems frm u!!

    All the best!!!

  2. i am very much into happy things for daily life..but when i take up the pen...its like an exercise to make my brain think of obscure thoughts. my writings are hence thoughtful... they are the very process of grappling with my views documented...

    so experimentin with philosohy and emotions these days....

    tw cudnt get access to ur blog... are you active?

    and thank you...

    i'm definitely here to stay..
