Friday, July 13, 2007


I was shrouded in the darkness
Of the glitter that I thought was light,
Down in the dungeons of the dark dusty world
I knew not the right.

Each day I fell deeper
Each moment the creepy crawlies of the dark world,
Held me stronger still in their grip
Deeper down was I hurled.

Soon, the glitter dimmed
Even the misconception of light was lost,
All was lost I thought
Atleast, hope at any cost.

And then the light shone
In the darkest corner of my heart,
It warmed me still as somebody held my hand
And pierced the darkness like a dart.

He caressed my head
And said he had come to deliver me,
He put me back on the right track
And now the right I could see.

I had resurfaced
As pure as an angel,
He had cleansed me but
I could not see beyond his bright veil

I asked him to reveal himself to me
He said I knew him in my heart of hearts,
And though he had gone
Light came to me even without his guard.

Asking my heart I knew
He was not my guardian angel,
And though all angels must not have wings
I was saved by someone more special.


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  2. hey there..lava girl....u rock...i got really little time to put a comment but i'll say the rest in skool.....but ur thoughts r the most philosophical things i've ever read....ihad my mouth open,,,ur blogs amazing....chal,,, u tomorrow..cheers..
