Saturday, June 23, 2007


I have seen him grow up
And always felt him to have expressive eyes.

As a kid fear filled those eyes
When he lost the sight of his mother
A stiff upper lip
A macho pride
Yet misted insecurity in those dark deep eyes.

Understanding glance
Of before age maturity
But a hidden under laying longing
Yet outlined his eyes……….
When he had worn the frayed clothes
Even through his birthday.

A bittersweet pain
Yet I could see in his smiling eyes
When his friends turned his back on them
On the surface mature
But with hurt sad innocent eyes
That told of pain just to me.

And the eyes
When he saw his love
And the hurt when
The dejection
And a reflection of a broken heart
That swam to his yes
When he lost his first love.

The wild happiness
The tremendous emotions
When he finally found his life’s love
The contentment
All reflected in his mature eyes
So deep
Eyes of a man.

And then the misted eyes
Of a father
Half closed in prayer
Thanking god for his love
As a silent tear trickled down those
Happy honest eyes.

And now triumph had shown in now and then
In those eyes
As had pain
With experiences of life
Bitter sweet
Yet leaving him all the richer.

And now
I saw only acceptance
And loneliness
As tears sparkled in those eyes
I knew he was terrified
I knew he was afraid
Yet life had taught him to shield some emotions
Finally from his eyes
Now misty
As things untold where hidden beyond.

He was alone
But I reached to those expressive eyes
And blew over each one of them
Till they cleared again and let me see
Once again into their depth
And the sight even made my eyes burn
As the mist cleared in his eyes
I saw acceptance
An ethereal light
A love so free
From this world………………………

He was expressing his last emotions
And his dark eyes
Were tired
Though happy
And with a steady determination ready to close
I peeked heavily for one last time
Into the deep eyes that
Somewhere were also my reason to life
And at the end of his eyes I saw
Love for me
Like the innocent love that
I always had felt for him.

And with that I closed his expressive eyes
With my own life worn eyes
And for first time and even the last
My eyes were also as expressive
As the one by which I had lived by all my life.
As we both saw our last together
Each beholding the most expressive eyes

Each one acknowledging
A love so old
As these expressive eyes…..
Withheld hidden throughout life.

1 comment:

  1. pure bliss. pure love. pure feelings.

    even then,

    a warning- such love is not meant for a kiddie girl of your age!
