Friday, June 15, 2007


She walked into my life
Like a leaf surfing on the wind,
The face of innocence
A cherub, an angel
Who touched my cold heart
And as the warmth seeped in
The hard heart melted.
And I held on to her for eternity.
The warmth that was out of my of life
Was provided by her.
She, a mere child melted me
A huge character, metaphor
The world had once seen.
I settled in a sweet sleep
For once and then also I
Held her. She caressed me.
I knew she was peace.
I knew not for how long such
Joy would stay, forever she said.
Then though a blind man
Could not see
I hoped her to be the
Lovely daughter I lost
One whose touch healed
A lost face in the staggering numbers
Of millions in this world.
But then as she closed my eyes
With her sweeping fingers
To put me to a little sleep
Me, a blind man gained vision
And I saw in her warm sweet face
As I fell into a deep sleep
The gentle face of death
Of warmth and oblivious eternity.

a tribute to death in all its glorious beauty


  1. Very Nice! Aparna..I'm touched..

    keep defining the beauty!

  2. love is such an indispensable entity of life, yet so confusing and dirty! isn't it? :O

    you think more than your age permits you to! Expressive, Innocent, Adorable, Silent. :)

  3. hey yaar read these bfore n again today awesum work u rok dudette!!!

  4. gud aparna.....keep it up....its really gud......[:)]!!!!!!!

  5. You describe death in peace, eerie, harsh and heart wrenching.
