Sunday, June 17, 2007


I travel on these lanes close to my heart
I reach those places where I have been
I smell the familiar smells
I reach and touch the seen
I cry and my teardrops fall on the trodden paths
They still bear my imprint and I feel I am home again.

I reach out to the roads
I lay down on the grass
I realize my life
Is incomplete without the place
Which I call my home.

Life took me to places
It made me see many a sites
I settled
Down in the races
To survive and I cried
As my heart longed for home again.

I told myself I was immature
I told that this is not true
I explained
I partied
I had friends busy life
But the home
It was empty
I wanted to be home again.

Like a long lost mother was she
I wanted to be near her
I have cherished my dreams around it
In it’s hidden corners and niches
I have played many a games
And its age hides my teenage
Its rooms my journey to adult hood
It’s my life in its pages
Old and forlorn
Tired but living
It’s my home again.

I cry as I see her after so many days
Old yet standing
Demolished in so many places
Tears swell my eyes
But I will build it again.

Neglect has caused hurt to my home and me
But like a very caring mother
It welcomes me back
Provides me love
Gives me a chance to correct my mistake
And gives me a loving roof to cover my head
I hide under her
From this world
To escape the frauds who say the know me
I hide under my motherly home away from the world
In its loving seclusion.

I will stay now in the folds of nature
Doing what my heart says
Just peace and me
As I am home again.


i miss places
i miss ppl
i miss ma soul
which has left me
it has no boundaries
an no weight of a sackfull of useless duties imposed ma little self
pointless leashes hold me back


  1. that was BLOODY BEAUTIFUL!!! shit! i can't believe you wrote it!!
    you really think more than your age!!
    simple yet deep, natural yet impressive! keep it up aparna!

  2. I like this one, this had pace, and a little different than you're usual writing style
