Saturday, June 23, 2007


I still dwell
In the lush green fields
Where I hear the birds chirp
Where I remember myself in flight
Though long has past
I have not laughed
But echoes are by which I survive
Silence is more eerie.

I still hear my youth flowing
Like a young brook
So fast so ravening and growing to its height
And my speed unparalleled as I dream to conquer the world
Though unnoticed by the ocean
Still had held good to me.

I rejoice in the cotton balls of my memory
And speak of clear blue skies
I still rage and thunder
Though not to the outside
Like the past days when
Storms succumbed to my might.

And yet I dream of the lass
I kissed
Under the shy moonlight
Her beauty had made the night so shy
And her gaze had even quietened
My ravening restless life.
She had loved me
So pure
As I still do.

I am yet so terrified
As I had been as a little child
Of the thunderstorm that had split the sky
With the bolts of lightning……………
The same child within
Grew lonely again when lightning struck his life
She had left him unloved unfulfilled
And he is still terrified.

I am still the young sprite
I am still the man
Yet I am aged now
To the eyes of the world
To them I am a nostalgic fool
Caught in the turn of time
But I live my life
With past
With present
Beholding future
In my expressive eyes.
I live in all of them
Fill my time
With bitter sweet emotions
As time goes slowly
In my lonely life…………………………


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