Wednesday, June 6, 2007

rationalise the heart

many a times v say v take a rational outlook to life
but actually wen v rationalise v r basically tryin to help ourselves by answerin some of the unanswered questions in our brain itself
like for an instance
v r faced with a problem in life an to solve it there r two approaches in dis life like
v take the practical aspect and function how the world expects us too....
or v listen to the heart

now i dunno abt u but i am such an individual who has a flare to reason but also is imaginative but yet there is a part in me that tries to understand all emotions to rationalise and pinpont dem to scientific lines....

so if sumone who is not such a great thinker he may forget wot his heart says he may kill his imagination....wen he takes a decison to appease the world
but i wont

but the trouble starts at dat point wen i try to rationalise a decision dat i wish to take... dat ma heart supports but i don find a concrete practical reason
so to a same problem i hav a path den.. another path for another reasonin line and so on for diff reasonin lines to the same issue

till the time wen i hav a milloin rational answers to a same problemm all rationally correct but none appeasin to ma heart

and den i am stranded

but if i hav a very strong intuition i take the way of ma heart and am happy

but if i don i spend lots of time reasonin why the way i hav taken is correct and y wot ma heartwished was wrong...and ironically how happy i shud b dat i hav taken dis part

but in ma heart i kno a blunder has been made

so wot conclusion do v reach
did i tell u dis so dat u cud read dis stuff and think how intelligent or confused i am

or am i again reasonin ma heart without reason

but i write all dis stuff for a simple reason dat i am astouned how even in dis practical age v cannot reason evrythin
..................theres sum miracle still left if only v try to c and discover dem in our so called mundane lives

if v listen to the heart do the unexpected however irrational it may seem
den v expect sumthin new as the decision is not stereotyped and we can hope for the unexpected
hav sum joy in our lives..freshness and happiness as v r doin wot v want..wot our heart wants

and perform miracles not in the real sense just in dat sense dat v r happy
and live life knowin its yet full of surprises...........................and dis thing itself is a mmiracle in real sense in dis bsy unhappy world

ending i wud say all the time v think our heart is irrational its bcoz v ha set our minds to the rational clock of dis world
v c our dreams through the veil of the world
but dats not the way it shud b
the moment v cast off the veil of the world
an interpret our own dreams wid our own eyes, our heart will seem rational as den our brain is colourin itself wid the principles v hav set for ourselves in our own influence
not the one painted by the world

i dont kno wot u take from dis blog

eve i dont kno wot i try to convey

mayb jus start the thinkin process out dere in all u guys
so all those whom i hav been able to stir please tell me how hav u interpretted it
tell me how ddo wot i say colours u
and tell me please i hav a lot to learn from ma co-thinkers....
as i hav yet a lot to learn and a brain to paint in ma own colours wid different shades eachday
till....the time i can

the thinker i am....yet the lava girl
lava girl ....and the thinker must merge


  1. What you say and perhaps everyone else does too..

    The difference here is that they dont have the hearts which are suppressed under the facade of reason. if we come down to checking one's sense of reasoning, i'm sure no one wud score more thn 80%. So, the guiding light can be seen..only when heart n mind mutually coexist and none's voicesare gagged with the feelin that the latter is irrational or idiot!

    good attempt...keep them relising what they dont

  2. hey bandhu!!!
    koi aostha!!!!!!
    aur yaar gud to see u blogging here in dis blog wurld.....

  3. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!

    and you expect a comment on this?!
    tujhe kitni baar bolaa! itnaa sochnaa band karrrrrrrr :x
