Friday, July 13, 2007


They are going away, far away
To the places I long for…
But it holds me back.
The tears I shed go unnoticed
As I long for the bright blue skies.

The green vales I had seen
Were a part of my life.
My heart is divided thus….
I don’t know why
Love never found its way
To the doorsteps of my heart.
I felt my love in the bright blue skies
I left my love in the bright blue skies.

The concrete jungle
The gray dust is not what I long for.
I was made for
The cotton balls of my memories,
The green valleys and
The sound of music of the chirping birds…..
Their echoes deep down in my heart
Told me of the bright blue skies
That I had left behind.

Lost in the mist
Beyond sight are buried dreams
Of the fair mountains
A life’s love
And the blue sky dotted with birds
And they will remain buried……..
Perhaps always.
My fears and tears
Rise up in smoke
Unnoticed by the mob.
As I am lost in my dreams
Of the bright blue skies.


  1. The images in your dreams must not be allowed to remain images. More often that not, you can make that dream come alive on this earth. Just be prepared to travel.

  2. I have travelled a lot as a kid. What i have expressed is not pure imagination... and i miss it.

    There is a will to return, as I dont give up.

  3. All your poems have a continuous underlying theme, and yet none of it turns to be repetitive.
