Friday, July 13, 2007


Beside silence I am sitting
Having a nice old chat
With the soothing queen…
It’s been a long time since
I had last conversed with my heart
To others deadened
I embrace silence.


The beautiful silent night
Absorbs my pain
I am set free
Of falsified morality
That bound my heart so
With untold sorrow.

But now I don’t talk…


I once suffered silence
Now I enjoy it
And with its constant companionship
I have grown to know
That words always don’t show
What you feel
But silence with its invisible tongue
Never lies… as you read it to understand
Or listen really hard
Cause its purity cant be marred
With farce words of petty humour
So she never speaks.


I had my days of disbelief
My days of pain
When all was the want of words
To get it all out
But then I didn’t get a listening ear
And left alone some days
I suffocated to silence
But when I read into it folds
And my aching heart
Heard silent music
And I poured my heart out
Silent words of invisible tongue
And with my life silently saved.


Such is the gift of silence
To all who sway
Such is the gift of silence
To all whose mistress is sorrow
To all whose
Companions were words no more left
To all whose life now bare
Was adorned with lies of this petty world
To all living the tainted life
Of false painted faith…shattered in the slight wind of life…
To all who are marred with life
At a gently pained loss of words…
At gentle loss of faithful ears…
Lonely now so…

Silence comes…


I now talk to her
Lie on her bosom
She soothes me and plays with my thoughts
She doesn’t give false promises
Neither says she will keep close
And yet today I am satisfied
I know I will find her within
When I need to repose….

Truth of the silencing world…

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