Friday, July 13, 2007


I try to come to terms
With what I have lost.
I try to believe that
It’s not going to cost
An eternity of pain.

I am yet afraid
Of what I perceive in the future
I am yet to wait
For the light of the seducer
Oh bring me tranquility.

It certainly hurts
My emotions go overboard
And I have just words to express
As I never had the bliss to cry…
With eyes all dry
The pain is inside
The loneliness bursting to come out
And still no stifled cries.

I try to rationalize
That what I dreamt was all farce.
I try to believe now I am better off.
Even though I may be
Tell that to my heart
Cause it still cries for what it lost.

With all dreams shattered
I came back to reality
With nothing to hold onto
I may lose sanity.
Nothing is real now
With a part of my life
In the mist from which I may not come back.

I live my days laughing with friends
But in the sweet darkness
The shroud of memories engulfs me
Abusing whatever peace I had
Sickening as I can never touch them again
Its not allowed…
I don’t for my own sake.

1 comment:

  1. hey opu awesum yaar ..evn dis poem tries to say sumthin to me ese padke esa hi lgta hain..kool work n keep doin it coz u rock at it n if i rember i cn connect this poem to myself but will try to chnge myself n will surely be able to do tht ..coz darkness is nt where nybody belongs ..!!awesum wrk ..
